Archive for June, 2008


Welcoming our Friends from Mealhada

June 16, 2008

On the 12th May we finally received our new friends in Carregal do Sal. They arrived at 10 a.m. and we had a lot of activities prepared for them: 

* visit our English Club;

* do a Peddy Paper with the purpose of getting to know the school;

* visit the school library;

* have lunch in the canteen;

* socialize with other students;

* wall climbing;

* small snack before leaving.

Saying goodbye was not easy but we promised to keep in touch!

 Vodpod videos no longer available.

A million thanks to P.E. teachers Rui Gomes and Ana Andrade, who kindly organised and monitored the wall climbing activity.


Fernando Pessoa

June 13, 2008

Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (born in June 13, 1888, in Lisbon — died in November 30, 1935, in the same city).

Some of the poems he wrote in English:

I Am The Escaped One
I am the escaped one,
After I was born
They locked me up inside me
But I left.
My soul seeks me,
Through hills and valley,
I hope my soul
Never finds me.

(The happy sun is shining…)
The happy sun is shining
The fields are green and gay,
But my poor heart is pining
For something far away.
It’s pining just for you,
It’s pining for thy kiss.
It does not matter if you’re true
To this.
What matter is just you.

I now the sea is beaming
Under the summer sun.
I know the waves are gleaming,
Each one and every one.
But I am far from you,
And so far from your kiss!
And that’s all I get that’s really true
In this.
What matters is just you.

Oh, yes, the sky is splendid,
So blue as it now,
The air and light are blended,
Oh yes, hot, anyhow,

Nothing of this is you
I’m absent from your kiss,
That’s all I get that’s sad and true
In this
What matter is just you.


World Environment Day

June 5, 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Carregal Criativo | 31 May 08

June 3, 2008

The English Club participated in this event with a room decorated by the students.
Films, books, magazines, games, students’ works, slideshows… all of this was part of the exhibition.
A great number of people visited the room, which gave us an enormous pleasure.

Vodpod videos no longer available.